

Hi..my name is Arge. I am 32 years old and I live in New Jersey with my husband and our boxer Ginger. We have a betta fish named Fred. The people at the pet store said he would only live about 3 to 4 months. That was back in October of 2006. I am happy to report that Fred is still swimming strong in his bowl. We have dubbed him "The fish that will not die". Not that I wish death on my fish or anything...I just think the story is kinda funny.My husband and I were married on New Year's Eve of 2006 on the Jersey Shore. The wedding was a 3 day event. We totally lucked out with the weather...it was 63 degrees on our wedding day. It truly was a fairytale wedding and a dream come true. My husband is a volunteer firefighter. It is true what they say...the fire department becomes your second family. I am the vice president of the department's Ladies Auxiliary. I love it. We are now in the process of putting together a fundraiser cookbook. We have collected about 400 recipes..something I thought we would never do. I have a huge crush on Brian Urlacher...linebacker for the Chicago Bears. I always told my husband that if Brian were to knock on our door..I might have to run away with him....until I realized that Arge Urlacher sounds funny. I am totally addicted to the Star Wars trilogy. My husband and our friends make fun of me all the time. I love 90's rock music. My current favorite song is " Love Remains the Same" by Gavin Rossdale. If you haven't heard it...check it out. It is a great song. I do not watch much TV but there are a few shows that I love...24 (Jack Bauer ROCKS!), Smallville (all girl's love a superhero), SVU, Fringe, House and Heroes. I love photography. I have an eBay store where I sell crafts and things that I make. I obviously love cooking. My brother and I got that from my dad. I love creating recipes as well as trying new ones that I think sound interesting. My lastest creation is Spicy Smoky Macaroni and Cheese with Turkey Bacon. Well..that is me in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Lita :) said...

You Rock Girl Friend!!

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